Monday, March 21, 2011

Ted and Louisa

Stayed in Warren, but was pretty happy to leave. Did hang out with a man who tried to teach me blues harmonica, he was real good! Then he started on about God and Christianity and how the devil is in everyone. Got a bit freaked when he started telling me the government is after him. Thankfully though, I had the spirit of Jesus in me and was not a sinner!
Decided to move on and I rode a whole 19kms to Nevertire, where I sat at the cafe and was given a free camping space by Ted (the owner). That is until I got talking to his wife, Louisa. What an amazing lady! Having moved from Columbia, where she studied psychology, she somehow found herself working in this little cafe in the middle of bloody nowhere. All Ted and Louisa want is to move back to the coast, where Louisa can work in mental health again and Ted can focus on his own health. So the free camping transformed into a free bed, in exchange I helped with some cleaning and serving in the shop. Lousia is probably the first person, in all my travels, who genuinely wanted to hear about my past. We chatted for hours, in the end she showed me that I need to be as youthful and free with my heart as I am with my life. She continues to tell me that I am an amazing person, but I she is the amazing one, strong, resourceful and giving. May someone buy their little shop soon, so that next time we meet, we’ll be sitting by the ocean!

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