Monday, March 21, 2011

Chatting with Peter

Over the past few days I’ve chatted with Peter about this language bizzo. Finally I’ve met someone who believes there’s more to language work than sitting behind a desk, in some city University writing out grammars and guides for people you’ve never met. There are social issues, lifestyle and community ideals, all of which need to be considered if the revival is going to be a success. This is not about saving a language, culture or the world. It’s about breathing just a slight bit of oxygen into the lungs of a language that will, hopefully, with the help of many passionate and driven people, gasp back to life and continue to grow and evolve with a new generation of speakers.
Peter and Meg not only gave me a place to stay, let me drive their ride on mower and served up an amazing soup, they also reinspired my passion for language, and reinforced the fact that I should listen to my heart!
Peter drove me up to the top of the Warrumbungles where we said goodbye. I zipped down and found a camp site for the night and as per usual, spread out across the entire BBQ area. Sat there licking my melted chocolate off a knife and writing letters to all. Tomorrow I’m off to Gulargambone.

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