Monday, March 28, 2011

Hay Plains

Yesterday I hit the Hay plains, it was amazing. Instead of the contrasting orange/red earth against the ever blue sky, the land complimented the expansive clear sky with a gentle green. It’s gentle and soft like a pastel mint and gives you a sense of security… until the sun starts to arch over in front of you as you head west, and you still have 20kms till you reach the next town. All you want is to stop, you get complacent with the traffic, any respect for the trucks slips into the dark recesses of your mind… you just want to get there!
The green no longer feels welcoming, the clear sky feels like it’s betraying you as it allows the sun to blast down upon your skin mockingly. This is how it felt, but tehn I did stop, looked around and realized that even if it takes me another 2 hours to reach Hay, I’m exactly where I want to be! So with a smile, a giant swig of water and a new found appreciation I continue on. Xx

P.S. Watched an eagle circle around the faint moon, high in the mid-morning sky! Was so incredible, also learnt the Yellow Robins territorial call… `toot toot toot teet ‘toot toot.


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