Tuesday, March 8, 2011

and I'm off

It's the night before I leave, although I'm only off to Gunnedah, it's all very real. I've done plenty, not heaps, of adventures before. Some more confronting than others, but always with someone else. That person, that other soul allows all the nervous energy to be expressed through a mutual excitement. Now, all that energy is bouncing around inside my stomach and I feel a little ill!
I feel to small, to ill-equipped, to naive to be venturing out alone. Every choice I make will alter teh course of this journey, and there's no one else to advise me. Everything that happens will be the result of my decision making, this scares me a lil'.
On the other hand, am excited to hit the Hay plains, to check out teh little Desert in Vic and hopefully catch up with some climbers at Araps! Wah hooooooooo. The computers won't allow me to load photo's, will try in Coona!

send my love to all out there
Be xx

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